Thursday 18 February 2016

Virvachhraj Island, Zinzuvada.

This place is situated in small desert of kutch, Gujarat state, India. From Zinzuvada village of Gujarat one big old entrance gate is available to enter in the small desert. In desert, all sides we can see only white sands, no one tree or road to reach this remote place. This is a holy place of Rajput-Solanki ethnic group. In monsoon we can't go there due to sandy road through desert. Due to rain this place covered with water from all sides. So that it is known as Island in desert. 

The history of this place is related to this Rajput society. Vir Vachhrajsinh was going to marry, that time he knew about lost pet cow, whose name was Vegad. He ran to find it. For finding that cow, he came to this desert place and found some robbers caught cows and ran away. To protect this unspoken animals, he fought with robbers. In that fight, his head was separated from body and only body fought with robbers. In this way he survive from that martyrdom and protect cows. So that he has worshiped as "Vachhada dada" by the people form that time. 

In whole desert, only this place with trees available and one bore-well is also available for thirsty people. Till today, the truck of grains and food are provided by the devotees. Each and every day arrangement of lunch - dinner is provided by association. In this desert, big cow court is also made by devotees.    

Entrance Gate of small desert

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