Friday 11 March 2016

Nishkalank Mahadev, Bhavnagar

This temple is  in the sea, at Koliyak, district Bhavnagar, Gujarat state, India. Which is established by the Pandvas. They established this phallus on the no moon day of hindu Bhadarava month. So that on every no moon of bhadrava month there is a big fair organised. 

In the battle of Mahabharat, Kaurava's died by Pandvas. So that Pandvas felt guilty for this blot. Durvasa Muni gave solution to remove this blot. He gave black flag and said that where this flag converted in white, understood their blot removed. Pandvas had been come on this place nearest to Bhavnagar and their flag became white from black. They took bath in sea and worshiped lord Mahadev. According to order of Mahadev they made phallus from sand and gave it name-" Nishkalank Mahadev". 

This place is in the sea so that devotees have to come back before the time of  tide. In this way, it is not possible to reach the temple at any time. Devotees have to plan for visit very carefully otherwise their visit became fruitless or they have to wait for ebb. 

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